The Other Side of the Coin: March 20, 2016

The Other Side of the Coin

There seems to be a tremendous amount of information out there that is meant to help us on our journey through this life, all of which I appreciate deeply and even write about in my weekly blog.   The information serves as a great reminder and road map for me to stay on track spiritually. I rely on the information and inspiration from others to guide me and keep me more aware.

There is the other side of the coin, however, which is reality. The other side of the coin is the fact that we all experience sadness, darkness, frustration, confusion and other challenging moments on our journey. To say, or pretend, that these emotions do not exist or that we are in some way at fault for feeling them, is not reality. To somehow think that you are less spiritual for having these emotions is a non-truth. Yes I do believe that our thoughts create our reality but I also believe in reality itself. We must embrace the other side of the coin and not judge ourselves for the feelings we are experiencing.

On a personal level, this has been a week on the other side of the coin for me. I have experienced frustration, sadness, confusion, and a bit of darkness. Even being conscious of that, it has still been a struggle for me to stay out of the quicksand so to speak.  If we never experience darkness, we will have no appreciation for the light. I appreciate all the positive affirmations, inspirational messages, and new thought philosophies that are out there. I practice them and firmly believe in them. I know from personal experience that they work. With that being said, there will still be times on the other side of the coin.

I am happy to say that I flipped the coin over this morning to the positive side. I am back on track for the moment. For me, it takes a constant reminding myself of the truth. The truth that says I am all I need. The truth that says the one source, and one creator, lives in me and flows through me when I allow him to. The truth that says happiness is an inside job as cliché as that might sound. The truth that says infinite possibilities exists for all of us to the degree that we are willing to trust and believe.

It was a rough week emotionally. I know many spiritual leaders and new thought thinkers teach and believe that we should not confess that or talk about that. It has been my experience that it is part of life. The rich, poor, famous, and most noted spiritual leaders all experience time on the other side of the coin. Having said that, I do know it is vital to move on from it once you have allowed yourself time to process it and be with it. We learn lessons from the other side of the coin when we are able to embrace it and not disregard it, judge ourselves for it, or pretend it doesn’t exist.

Today I express gratitude for both sides of the coin. They are both important for our growth and fulfillment. They are both important for answering the hard questions in our life. Be encouraged today and know that we all spend time on the other side of the coin. It is up to each individual how long you stay there.   Mindful awareness gives us the power to flip the coin over at anytime and continue towards growth and self-healing, and to continue to think about the lessons learned from being on the other side of the coin.

I look forward to seeing you next Sunday for my weekly Sunday blog. I appreciate your support and feedback as always. It is my deepest hope that by sharing my weekly thoughts and personal experiences, you will grow and be more fulfilled on your journey.

Peace and blessings

4 Replies to “The Other Side of the Coin: March 20, 2016”

  1. Admission and habitation are two different things. Admitting where we are allows us to be honest with ourselves, own our successes and failures, and adjust our course. Habitation is dwelling in a place where our feelings rule. Feelings are like the weather, they change. As long as we allow our feelings to dominate we will lack stability.

    As a parent I tell my kids all of the time that when they are experiencing times of emotional instability to tell themselves how to think and not to rely on how they feel. It’s the same premise as the other side of the coin. It is guaranteed that emotional times will come. You can decide to empower yourself by choosing how you are going to respond to them.

    1. Jennifer,

      I appreciated so much your parallel of Admission and habitation versus the other side of the coin. Your words are beautiful and insightful. I appreciate your feedback. It is inspiration, not only to me, but to my other readers as well. Thanks so much.


  2. Hi Vince,

    Yes, I have at times had to flip that coin to the both sides. When I am feeling vulnerable. I keep in mind there’s a God Who sits high. I pray for healing and fulfillment for my life, and growth. I can’t depend on nobody but God to see me thru. Thank you Vince for your inspirations! 😘 Much 💘

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