Quiet Time: September 11, 2016

Quiet Time 

I was thinking back to my elementary school days when we would have designated quiet times during the day. We were required to put our head down on the desk, lay our pencil down, and not make a peep for about 10 minutes. Even in the hospital where I used to work, there was designated quiet time on each floor. What was the purpose of that quiet time?

Fast-forward over 40 years and I finally getting it. Among the many proven benefits of quiet time, I have found that quiet time is essential for regeneration. Regeneration of my mind and body. Regeneration physically, emotionally, and spiritually.   It is a palpable change for me. Just 15 minutes of quiet, meditative time changes every aspect of my being. When I am exhausted, stressed, or just not feeling the best, 15 minutes of quiet time usually does the trick.

I have learned to appreciate the quiet time more and more. It is rare that I even turn on my TV. I enjoy the silence. It is during the silence that ideas emerge and I am able to connect to my inner guidance. The quiet time is very restorative for me. It is kind of like a brain reset. I used to never experience quiet time. I would sleep with the TV on, hear it the first thing in the morning, always have a cell phone or tablet in my hand, and never take the vital time to just sit in silence. No time to just listen to the heart. The world and all its beauty was passing me by while I was on my phone playing games, checking emails, or looking at Facebook. How much do we miss while our heads are down looking at our devices? Quiet time has increased my awareness, and therefore my appreciation, for all God’s beauty that surrounds me.

If I practice quiet time on a regular basis, it changes my response to others. It changes my response to stressful, challenging situations.   I am happier and healthier when I make quiet time a routine part of my day. On the other hand, the opposite is true when I don’t practice quiet time. Now more than ever, with all the noise of today, I have learned the importance of setting aside quiet time. Time to just sit in silence and be aware of my breathing and all that surrounds me.  I challenge you to try it.  Set aside a designated time and place where you can be alone and sit in silence.  Try it for just 15 minutes a day.  If you are too busy then perhaps you’d benefit from an hour each day.  Would love to hear about your experience with silence.

As always, thanks for taking a moment to read about my thoughts and experiences. Hopefully they are thought provoking and contribute to your life in a positive way. We all have a story that can be shared to help others on this journey.


Peace and blessings

5 Replies to “Quiet Time: September 11, 2016”

  1. You are so right Vince, quiet time is so important. I never understood that until now, much later in my life but never too late! Just the other day while visiting my mother’s grave, I had about 15 minutes of quiet time. Just enough to reflect on the happy memories with my mother!

    Thanks Vince!!

  2. Susan,

    Thanks for your beautiful descriptive reply that put me right in that hammock you speak about. Times have changed and you are right about the new generation missing out. So glad you are in an awareness of the importance of quiet time.


  3. This morning my daughter and I enjoyed an outdoor multichurch service to engage our community and remember 9/11. Sitting outdoors with an entirely unfamiliar congregation made me very aware of how little attention I had been paying in church, and why it is way past time for me to move on to a church that is uplifting and inclusive. Hope i find a good fit soon.

    1. Nancy,

      Thank you so much for your meaningful response. It is easy to get stuck in what we’ve always known to be the norm. Being a part of a Center that is inclusive and uplifting has changed my life even though its quite different than the way I was raised. Best of luck to you in finding the place for you.

      Much love

  4. Love my quiet time! As a child my favorite times were reclining in the grass under the weeping willow tree in my backyard, or hanging out in the hammock gazing up at the clouds. How many fabulous ideas I had then! Our own kids have missed out on all that quiet time. Their minds are constantly engaged in that which is broadcast at them. Regeneration and refreshment come in the quiet.

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