Fall: A Shedding of the Old

dried maple leaves on grass ground
dried maple leaves on grass ground

It is a new season. I see fall as a time for shedding the old in preparation for the new. The old leaves falling from the trees is symbolic of the shedding. Many times in my life, I have found it necessary to let go of the old. One of the many authors of the traditional bible, used by the Christians, talks about the importance of dying daily. In other words, shedding daily.  Shedding old thoughts. Shedding the past.

In this article, I will share my thoughts on the shedding process and the time between shedding the old and waiting on the new. The trees definitely have a lesson to teach us.  

The Barren Time 

Just like the trees, when we shed the old, there is a waiting period before the new shows up. When the leaves fall, the trees are left barren with nothing to cover them. They remain barren for a whole season. Despite the winds, ice, rain, and freezing cold temperatures, they continue to stand tall. They have nothing to keep them warm and protect them from the elements.  

It is the same in my personal life. There are many times I have felt like I was in a barren time. Freezing cold, winds blowing from every direction and nothing to cover me. There is a purpose in these challenging times. It is a time to evolve and grow. It is a time of preparation for the new. It can be a dark and cold time but we must trust the process and continue to stand just like the trees.  

I also think of my relationships when it comes to the fall season. If you’ve ever gone through a break-up or divorce, you know it can feel like a dark and barren time. The simple truth is, there comes a time in life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or simply close it. The closing it part is the shedding part. In other words, letting the relationship go. Yes, it is definitely challenging but it is part of life.  

Sometimes to self-discover, one must self-destruct. We must go through what feels like destruction at times. It is essential for the re-building of the new. Metaphorically speaking, there are times we must tear down the old building to create a vacant lot for the new.  

See the beauty in the barren trees during this fall season. Take time to see the beauty in the barren times of your life as well. What is the barren time there to teach you? Know that the barren time is necessary howbeit painful. Know that newness lies ahead and is waiting for you.  

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Happy Fall 



Vince Shifflett Publications

Focused Breathing: Spiritual, Physical, and Mental Benefits